

The Curriculum aims to develop confident, reflective practitioners who are willing to critically evaluate and develop their own practice in the light of experience, research evidence and current educational thinking. The curriculum will equip trainees with the pedagogical subject knowledge required to enter the teaching profession

The curriculum covers a range of sessions and focuses on the new Teachers’ Standards as well as subject specific areas for each key stage. The course allows trainees to meet the required Standards for the curriculum using a diverse range of classroom based development opportunities embracing secondary, sixth form and special or alternative education provision. Trainees will follow the course developing subject knowledge characterised by the development of theoretical application and understanding of learning, followed by practical development, followed by reflection and further research.

The aim of this course is to train you to be a History teacher. The History subject specific sessions will be taught predominantly at Bluecoat SCITT Alliance Nottingham.

The course materials aim to:

  • Fulfil and support the general aims of the Bluecoat SCITT Alliance Nottingham ITT Curriulum as set out in the submitted scheme;
  • Develop competencies specific to the teaching of History according to the National Curriculum, National Strategy and to the standards laid down by the DfE.
  • Ensure that trainees are competent professionals and effective teachers of History.
  • Encourage an enthusiasm for History education.
  • Encourage trainees to elicit an enthusiasm for History in their students.
  • Encourage trainees to challenge pupils and to meet their individual needs through personalisation.

What is History?

During the course, trainees will become acquainted with the content History courses taught over KS3,4 & 5. Relevant literature, such as the National Curriculum, OFSTED reports will provide a framework to describe History, the variety of activities and ways of promoting History in the classroom. Trainees will develop their knowledge of examination structure both at KS4 & 5.

Contact Us

Bluecoat SCITT Alliance
Aspley Lane

E-mail: itt@bluecoat.uk.com
Tel: 0115 900 7230

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