The programme aims to develop confident, reflective practitioners who are willing to critically evaluate and develop their own practice in the light of experience, research evidence and current educational thinking. The programme will equip trainees with the pedagogical subject knowledge required to enter the teaching profession.
The programme develops the required skills and knowledge to enable you to successfully demonstrate you have met the Teachers’ Standards for the award of QTS by the end of the training year. The course allows trainees to meet the required Standards for the programme using a diverse range of classroom based development opportunities.
The complete Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme is intentionally intensive, intellectually stimulating, challenging, demanding. It is underpinned by pedagogical research. As a result of the course, it is intended that trainees will have achieved the following:
- High quality levels of knowledge, skills and understanding in their specialist subject.
- An appreciation of whole-school priorities, English as an additional language, barriers to learning and safeguarding issues that impact upon their subject and wider pupil development. A grounding in reading, synthetic phonics and early year maths will be provided.
- Understand the importance of and experience expertise in aspects of assessment for learning and of learning.
- The self-confidence to motivate and inspire pupils and set high expectations for learning.
- A commitment to lifelong learning, a willingness to take responsibility for their own professional development, and to keep up to date with research and developments in pedagogy and the subjects they teach.
- Development as reflective practitioners through their ongoing critical analysis and evaluation of pedagogical theory and practice.