Benefits of school based teacher training

Benefits of school based teacher training


“Leadership of the provision is a strength, particularly the leadership of the head of the SCITT. Leaders have a clear moral purpose and an ambition to ensure that the provision best meets the needs of trainees. There is strong commitment, passion and skill to train the very best teachers and for them to be employed within the East Midlands.

There is very strong and effective engagement of schools within the partnership, which is evident in their key role in the recruitment of trainees and in their contribution to strategic planning and strong understanding of the partnership’s priorities.

Completion and employment rates have rapidly improved in the two years since the partnership opened. Completion rates are broadly in line with the national average. Employment rates are above the national average. The provider is meeting local needs well, by providing good-quality teachers in a region where it is difficult to recruit.

Trainees have high standards of professionalism, which are demonstrated by their high expectations of themselves and their pupils, their rigorous planning, excellent professional conduct and wider contribution to their employing schools.

Trainees receive high-quality and tailored support in response to their emerging needs. This ensures that any trainees experiencing difficulties are quickly identified and then supported effectively.

High-quality subject training takes place weekly. This is well planned and carefully focused so that trainees are quickly able to apply their learning and research in classroom situations.”

Ofsted 2017

“What a fantastic year! The SCITT course is well structured and progressively introduces trainees to the demands of the profession in preparation for a successful career in teaching. I was unquestionably supported during the year by course leaders, mentors and friends.”

“All trainees are really well supported throughout their training, it is hard work but it’s worth it”

“I enjoy coming together for our training day on Fridays, where we can share our experiences from our placement schools, and take away excellent advice and information that we take back into the classroom.  I’ve made some great friends too!”

What Research Says about School Based Training

November 2016 – Article published by NASBTT (National Association for School Based Teacher Training) following recent NQT survey and taken from article by Will Busby in the TES.

According to the research, NQTs on school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) routes were generally more satisfied than those on university-led courses.

SCITT-trained NQTs generally felt their training prepared them better for teaching than those on other routes. They reported better ratings than university routes on 19 of the 21 aspects of teaching the survey asked about.

The SCITT-led postgraduate route garnered the highest satisfaction levels of all, with 89 per cent of NQTs on this route rating the quality of their training as at least seven out of 10.


B enefit of high quality training

L eaders have a clear moral purpose and ambition to ensure that the provision best meets the needs of the trainees

U nderpinning of teaching practice by SHU (PGCE 60 masters credits)

E xpert teaching professionals and outstanding teachers delivering the pedagogy and subject specialist training

C omprehensive Curriculum

O fsted graded GOOD provider

A ccess to a wide range of schools

T wo school placements

S ubject Specialists

C ommitment and passion to train the very best teachers

I nvolvement and effective engagement of our schools within the partnership in the programme

T ime each week 1:1 Mentor

T ailored support to individual needs

Contact Us

Bluecoat SCITT Alliance
Aspley Lane

Tel: 0115 900 7230

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