The Programme will be challenging, exciting and intellectually stimulating. The aim of Bluecoat SCITT Nottingham Alliance is to provide exceptional initial teacher training that prepares individuals to become skilled classroom practitioners. We are delighted to be working with trainees and partner schools to secure this objective.
The programme presents a terrific opportunity for trainees to work and develop their skills directly within effective schools and departments, supported by practitioners. It is hoped that the trainees’ status as a fully integrated member of their department will accelerate their progress towards fulfilment of the Teachers’ Standards.
It is an expectation that trainees will familiarise themselves with, support and comply with the ethos, regulations and expectations incumbent upon staff within the partnership.

Programme Aims
The complete Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme is intentionally intensive, intellectually stimulating, challenging, demanding. It is underpinned by pedagogical research. The aim is to produce professionally competent, highly effective early career teachers who are at the forefront of the profession and will begin their teaching careers with confidence and vision. As a result of the course, it is intended that trainees will have achieved the following:
- High quality levels of knowledge, skills and understanding in their specialist subject.
- An appreciation of whole-school priorities, English as an additional language, barriers to learning and safeguarding issues impact upon their subject and wider pupil development. For primary trainees a solid grounding in reading and synthetic phonics and early year maths.
- Understand the importance of and experience expertise in aspects of assessment for learning and of learning.
- The self-confidence to motivate and inspire pupils and set high expectations for learning.
- A commitment to lifelong learning, a willingness to take responsibility for their own professional development, and to keep up to date with research and developments in pedagogy and the subjects they teach.
- Development as reflective practitioners through their ongoing critical analysis and evaluation of pedagogical theory and practice.
- The personal and professional skills and qualities needed to undertake effective pastoral care.
- Knowledge of how to teach well under the sustained supervision of successful teachers in thriving departments.
- The ability to make meaningful and genuine connections between theory and classroom practice in a local and national setting.
- An understanding of the professional values and practices, and knowledge about the legal framework within which they will work.
- An appreciation of the diversity of approaches to teaching and learning and how they feed into the personalised learning agenda.
- A repertoire of strategies for responding to pupils with special needs.
- The ability to operate systematically and creatively in professional practice.
- Be able to apply originality in the application of knowledge in dealing with complex issues, tackling and solving problems.
- An advancement of understanding through research into practice.
We aim to offer a range of as many subjects as possible to meet the needs of the National Curriculum and education landscape.